“As the COVID19 goes away in Brazil , the nation hits back in its realities , activities are back in grand style , the 2022 Carnival of Arts and Culture kicks off this week in Saopaulo”

Nenê de Vila Matilde, a traditional samba college in Brazil , this weekend , described the importance of Africa and Africa in diaspora costumes , the samba college took to the stages of Anhembi , the 1997 African rhythms of Narciso Negro . It was a total celebration of Black África in diaspora

Brazilian artist , Alex King exhibited the elegance of Yoruba costumes , the prolific artist and painter paraded attires of African origin , he danced , sang and displayed the importance of Yoruba attires

The Samba college paraded the elegance of Afro-Brazilian queens , it celebrated Alex Kings’ ladies of “Olhos Que Emocionam” in the platform of Nenê de Vila Matilde with Esmeralda Gomes , Fani Euclides , Joyce Evandra and Zuleica Galha

This year’s carnival , originally slated for February 2022, was postponed to this April because of the Covid-19 outbreak which seized the country for over 2 years now .

The street carnivals in most part of the country are not allowed , this is to avoid pandemic attacks , the carnival parades are taking place only in the interiors of Sambódromo in Saopaulo and Sapucaí in Rio de Janeiro .

All preventive measures are necessary, they are observed to avoid unnecessary agglomeration during all stage performances . However , samba colleges of special group ( Grupo especial) in Saopaulo will also parade with elegance , the African culture and tradition.