Esu Laalu , the communication deity , today , marked a date in the history of Brazil , the trickster seized victory in 2022 Rio de Janeiro Carnival , a display of Lanroye and the seven keys of existence

The Grande Rio , a Samba college that launched #Esuisnotsatan to over 200 million Brazilians , has been declared winner of the 2022 Rio carnival. It defeated other Samba colleges with exceptional display of Esu Laalu in the streets of Brazil . The costumes , dances , storylines , colors , and divine messages conquered the jury . “ It was a show of Esu Laalu “ Paolla Oliveira , a popular Brazilian actress said while jubilating the victory .

The samba college celebrated the Yoruba Esu in Sapucaí , It took to the stages of Sapucaí , a comprehensive tribute to the Orisa of communication . The college condemned religious intolerance in Brazil and around the world

Displaying Esu in the públic, the samba college defeated religious intolerance, racism , impossibilities , religious misinterpretations . It described the importance of Yoruba religion in Brazil . It also pointed the Yoruba messenger God as the solution to all difficulties , “ Esu gave us the victory , Eni rubo l’Esu ngbe”- Brazilian Bàbálórìsà Marcos Ribeiro said

Declared winner for the first time in history , Academico de Grande Rio dazzled the public , it took Esu to the right position in the minds of all Brazilians . “ Exu is a complex deity, it is circular and infinite energy, movement, struggle,, change, which transforms itself into countless entities and which has a lot to do with our ancestry. But it is seen with restriction by many people. The plot this year, like the previous ones, aims to deconstruct this stereotyped image, religious racism, intolerance and the demonization of religions such as candomblé, umbanda and macumbas” The college carnival artist, Gabriel Haddad revealed