Incredible! “We feed You To Hurt Our Families “ -Nig. In Diaspora Explodes
As Nígeria looms in ethnic, religious and social insecurity , Nígerians in diaspora have charged the federal government of Nígeria to halt the killings , they say their families are no longer safe in Nígeria , they are not at rest , they are worried about the lives and properties of their families back home , many are afraid of the news reports in diaspora , they demand peace and tranquility in the country .
“ This is too much , let the so called Buhari Govt. do something before it’s too late . Nígeria have never been this divided “ – Iyalode Animashaun , a Yoruba mother in Brazil speaks out .
According to some Nígerians living in Brazil , they say that the situation in Nígeria is not encouraging , many are not ready to visit home , they are scared of the bombings and killings in every part of the country , they appeal to the Govts of Nígeria to halt the killings
“ I am not in favor of Nigeria as a country, I am tired of been oppressed by the Fulanis , but if we must remain as Nígerians , give us security at least “ Chidinma says
Nígerians in diaspora , recently, are practically feeding their families in Nígeria, they remit funds to Nígeria often , they send money home daily , weekly monthly to take care of their families . According to statistics , several millions of Dollars are remitted home by the Nigerians in diaspora to cater for their various families

Ancestral news gathered that about $21 billion are sent home by Nigerians in diaspora annually. Nígeria is the sixth largest receiver of remittances in the world, the Migration of Remittance Factbook 2021 has revealed
Statistics also reveals that Nígeria is also by far the largest receiver of remittances in sub-Saharan Africa, receiving a total of $34.8 billion in 2021 . The report, which relied on data gathered from January to December 1, 2021 , was compiled by the Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development with support from the World Bank, German, Swedish and Swiss governments. This statistics is carried out yearly .

However, in-depth analysis of the reports by ANCESTRALS .com.ng shows that the United States and the United Kingdom are by far the most lucrative destinations for Nigerian migrants. Nigerians at home received a total of $9.4 billion ($5.7 billion from the US and $3.7 billion from the UK) from both countries in 2021 . Nígeria is the largest economy in Africa , this also involves the amount of money remitted home by Nígerians living abroad .

Speaking with Chief Umu, a Brazil based Nígerian business man “ we practically feed Nígeria, we remit monies home from Europe , America and Asia to take care of our families , to give them hope that the government of Nígeria can not give them , we feed our families , we feed Nígeria , we feed the nation rocked of unemployment, we feed the politicians who only steal our treasury , all we need is security of lives and property in Nígeria , we urge Buhari to manifest and keep peace in the country “ chief Umu said furiously