2.9 Million Gays In Brazil
The IBGE , Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Institute Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística ) has revealed that 2.9 million Brazilians are homosexuals or bisexuals
An unprecedented survey showed that vast majority of the Brazilian population claims to be heterosexual . 94.8% of Brazilians are self declared heterosexual. But the IBGE , Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica, considered that “the fact that a person declares himself as heterosexual , still does not prevent him from being attracted to or having a sexual relationship with someone of the same sex”.

Ancestrals.com.ng gathered that the group studied corresponds to about 1.8% of the adult population in the country . According to the IBGE, the questionnaire was applied to around 108,000 households in Brazil , it corresponds to approximately 0.07% of people aged 18 or over, estimated in 2022 at 159.2 million
The statistics came up through the National Health Survey (PNS). The details of the information indicated that the proportion of men (1.4%) and of women (0.9%) that are self-declared homosexuals is higher . Women have a higher proportion (0.8%) than men (0.5%) among bisexuals. Homosexual or bisexual self-identification is higher among those with higher education (3.2%) and higher income (3.5%);
The proportion of homosexuals and bisexuals is slightly lower among whites (1.8%) than among blacks (1.9%) and browns (1.9%); The group of 18 and 29 years old represents the highest proportion of self-reported homosexuals or bisexuals (4.8%) . The youngest age group also presents the highest proportion of people who did not know or did not want to answer the question concerning sexualities .

Ancestrals.com.ng gathered that the datas are compatible with those of the countries that have carried out research with a similar methodology. The IBGE revealed that proportionally, self-identification as homosexual is higher among men (1.4%) than among women (0.9%). Bisexuality was more self-reported by women (0.8%) than by men (0.5%).
When analyzing the data considering socio-economic characteristics, a higher proportion of self-declared homosexuals or bisexuals was observed among those with complete higher education . Those who do not have education or have incomplete elementary school have less proportion
It was also observed that the higher the income level, the greater the self-identification as homosexual or bisexual. The proportion of those who reported having an affective or sexual relationship with people of the same sex was 1.3% among those whose per capital household income was up to half the minimum wage, 1.6% in the income bracket between half and one minimum wage. , 1.3% in the range between one and three minimum wages and 3.1% in the range between three and five minimum wages.
Homosexual or bisexual self-identification is higher among younger people. The lack of definition of sexual orientation is also more frequent among them.. The proportion of those who declared homosexual or bisexual orientation was 4.8% in the age group between 18 and 29 years old, 1.9% in the group between 30 and 39 years old, 1% in the group between 40 and 59 years old, reaching to just 0.2% among those aged 60 and over.
In recent times , devotees of the Brazilian traditional religion ( Candombles , Umbanda) , the religions of African Origen are having trends of sexual options because of its tolerance. The statistics revealed that a lot of homosexuals are fast joining the religion as it is the only religion in Brazil that is more tolerant .
Also , the statistics revealed that foreigners of African Origen are mostly not self declared homosexuals “ It is difficult to come across African Immigrants that are homosexuals in Brazil “ – Hélio Chaves says
IBGE revealed that young people are currently more prone to experimentation and have more freedom to express their sexual orientation than in the past. However, the consolidation of sexual orientation is, in many cases, a process, and it takes time to understand and accept their orientations.