Comments on: “CELEBRATE ORISAS”-Brazil Ìyálòrìsá Seeks Isese Pilgrimage In Nígeria. Ancestral information at your door step Tue, 12 Jul 2022 21:48:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: GEOFFREY ONYEUKWU MD Tue, 12 Jul 2022 05:58:42 +0000 Members should be allowed to lobby for their interest through the constituted authorities in Nigeria .
Maybe have their headquarter in a city with proximity to international travel , hotels ,good Healthcare , food and other tourist convenience .
National holidays may be accorded it they so desire.
Members should enter into dialog with the state on expectations and promotion of public peace .

By: GEOFFREY ONYEUKWU MD Tue, 12 Jul 2022 05:44:13 +0000 Traditional religionist should be allowed to flourished in Nigeria just like other religions . The state should respect their faith , offer due respect and protection to their members ,
It is a peaceful religion and members should be allowed to flourish in their faith as long as they worship and practice their faith in accordance to the Nigerian and International laws in places of their domicile with Nigeria as their headquarter .
