“Every time someone receives something good, he should remember his Ancestors”- Says Esu Laalu
One day, Oyá and Osun, wives of Sangô, and Yemonja , wife of Ogun, went together to the market. Esu entered the market leading a goat. He saw that all was at peace and decided to sow discord. He approached lemanjá, Oya and Osun and said that he had an important commitment to Orunmila. He would leave the city and asked them to sell their goat for twenty cowries.
He proposed that they keep half of the profit made. Yemonja, Oya and Osun agreed and Esu left. The goat was sold for twenty cowries.

Yemonja , Oya and Osun put the ten shells of Esu aside. And they began to divide the ten shells that were theirs, Yemonja counted the shells. There were three cowries for each of them, but there would be one left. It was not possible to divide the ten into three equal parts. In the same way, Oya and Osun tried and failed to share the shells evenly. Then the three began to argue about who would get the most, Yemonja said:
“It is customary for the eldest to have the largest portion.

Therefore, I will take one more whelk.” Osun rejected Yemonja’s proposal, stating that the custom was for the youngest to get the largest portion, which was why it was up to her

Oya interceded, saying that, in the event of a similar dispute, the greater part would fall to the middle one.
The three could not resolve the argument.So they called a man from the market to divide the cowries evenly among them. He took the cowries and placed them in three equal piles.

And he suggested that the tenth conch should be given to the eldest. But Oya and Osun , who were the second oldest and the most rejected the advice. They refused to give Yemonja most of it. They asked someone else to divide the shells evenly. He counted them, but he could not divide them evenly.
He proposed that the greater part be given to the youngest. Yemonjá and Oya did not agree. Yet, another man was asked to make the division. He counted the shells, made three piles of three, and put the extra shell aside. He stated that, in this case, the extra conch should be given to the one who is neither the youngest nor the oldest.The conch should be given to Oya , But Yemonja and Osun rejected his advice.
They refused to give Oya the extra shell. There was no way to resolve the split.

Esu returned to the market to see how the discussion was going. He said, “Where is my portion?” They gave him ten cowries and asked him to share their ten cowries equitably. Esu gave three to Yemonja , three to Oya and three to Osun
The tenth conch he held. He placed it in a hole in the ground and covered it with earth. He said that the extra shell was for the ancestors, according to the custom that followed in the Orun ( Heaven) .Every time someone receives something good, he should remember his Ancestors. A part of the harvests, banquets and sacrifices are given to the Orisas , to the ancestors. So too with money. This is the way it is done in Heaven. So also on Earth it must be.

When anything comes to one, one should share it with one’s ancestors. ” Remember that there should be no dispute over the whelks.” Remember , Oya and Osun recognized that Esu was right. And they agreed to accept three cowries each.

All those who knew about what happened at the Oya market became more careful with their ancestors, always allocating an important part of what they earn from the fruits of their work and the gifts of fortune to them.