Oduduwa Templo dos Orixás , the largest Orisa family in Brazil , bids farewell to one of its most adorable Bábàlawo , Oloye Alamu Awodiran Sowunmi , who joined his ancestors last Sunday , 13th .November. 2022 .
The Oluwo , according to many , impacted the knowledge of Ifa Orisa religion to devotees in Nígeria , Brazil and Europe . He transmitted originality in the practice of Yoruba traditional religion in Brazil

Born in Abeokuta , Ogun state , Nígeria , Babalawo Awodiran Sowunmi , commanded Isese programs yearly in Brazil . The traditionalist , who until his exit , secured sincere initiations in the practice of Orisa religion in diaspora . He was an Icon who worshiped Orisa until he departed the planet earth ( Aiye)
Iconized In Brazil , Baba Awodiran initiated hundreds of thousands of devotees into the Orisa religion in Brazil and around the world .
Sincere condolence messages captioned the social media ; pages of Facebooks , Instagrams and media fronts in Brazil , Europe and America , they all bid farewell to Baba Elerin Ipin.

Babalorisa Sikiru Adesina Salami , ( Baba king) , in his statement on Facebook page :
“ Os ancestrais veneráveis são eternos. Os ancestrais veneráveis, com todo o seu vigor, permanecem entre nós e nos educam, nos disciplinam, nos protegem e preenchem as nossas existências com a sua presença reconfortante e com todas as bênçãos.
Hoje faleceu nosso amado Babalaô Awodiran Sowunmi. Conhecido pela sabedoria, pela humildade, pela discrição, pela generosidade e pela simpatia, Babá Awodiran iniciou pessoas no culto a Orunmilá-Ifá em diferentes países da África, da Europa e das Américas, honrando muitos de nós com a sua importante atuação sacerdotal. Portador de uma predestinação única, graças às várias décadas de transmissão do axé e dos saberes de Orunmilá-Ifá, seguramente nosso amado babalaô plantou muitas árvores frondosas, repletas de sementes e frutos, e sua memória deve ser honrada e celebrada. Que todos nós possamos nos alegrar com a sua presença como ancestral venerável novamente.
In English:
Venerable ancestors are eternal. The venerable ancestors, with all their vigor, remain among us and educate us, discipline us, protect us and fill our existences with their comforting presence and with all their blessings.
Today our beloved Babalaô Awodiran Sowunmi passed away. Known for his wisdom, humility, discretion, generosity and sympathy, Babá Awodiran initiated people into the cult of Orunmilá-Ifá in different countries in Africa, Europe and the Americas, honoring many of us with his important priestly performance. Bearer of a unique predestination, thanks to several decades of transmission of axé and the knowledge of Orunmilá-Ifá, surely our beloved babalawo planted many leafy trees, full of seeds and fruits, and his memory must be honored and celebrated. May we all rejoice in your presence as a venerable ancestor again.

The spiritual leader and founder of Oduduwa Temple Worldwide described the departure as a fulfillment , he thanked Babalawo Awodiran for his loyalty to Isese , and his contribution to Oduduwa family in Brazil .

Iya Ominike , Brazilian Orisa devotee writes :
Sentirei sua falta
Para sempre em meu coração 懶
Sun re oo
In English :
I will miss you
Forever in my heart
Sun re oo!
Baba Ominare , Brazilian Orisa devotee :
E com imensa tristeza que informo que nosso grande Mestre Babalawo Awodiram, para o plano dos ancestrais Sun Re o,
In English :
It is with immense sadness that I inform you that our great Master Babalawo Awodiram, for the plan of the ancestors Sun Re o,

Naife Kalil Jabour : A Brazilian devotee writes :
Agradeço aos Deuses, ter renascido pelas suas mãos, sua sabedoria, seu carinho, seus ensinamentos, jamais serão esquecidos. #ifa #ododuwa
In English :
I thank the Gods, having been reborn by their hands, their wisdom, their affection, their teachings, will never be forgotten. #ifa #ododuwa

Tânia Vargas Salami ‘ Iyasade Salami” writes :
Em uma das minhas idas a Nigéria
Na casa da minha saudosa Iyalorisa Obimonure
Em agosto de 2000 fazendo uma oferenda p Egbe
Fui apresentada ao sobrinho do Baba Fabunmi
Um senhor alto
Magro de Abagda branco
Ele abencou minha filha Sade durante essa oferenda
Dois anos mais tarde
Num dos dias mais triste da minha vida
O reencontrei
Era o funeral do meu amado Babalawo Fabunmi
Esse Babalawo, seu sobrinho
Conduziu os ritos fúnebres
Foi muito confortante ver toda a sua competência, segurança afinal a família Sowunmi é muito tradicional no Culto de Ifa em Abeokuta
Em poucos dias
Fiquei sabendo que ele seria o sucessor do meu amado Babalawo Fabunmi
Foram 20 anos
Anos de alegrias
De confiança
De prazer
De respeito
De gratidao
Não sei como fazer
Não sei como não vê lo mais
Sim sou egotista
Queria apenas mais uma temporada juntos
O templo está tão lindo
Sonhei tantas vezes com o seu sorriso e satisfação em ver as mudanças
Desta vez não teve negociação com a morte
Ela não aceitou vir outro dia
O Senhor me salvou
Salvou meus filhos
Meus netos
E agradeço isso até o meu último suspiro meu amado Baba
Eu sabia que quando isso acontecesse
Eu estaria assim
Sem chão pra continuar
Baba Oluwo
Como eu te disse todos os dias
Que eu te via
Até o reencontro
Amo vc meu Pai
In English:
On one of my trips to Nigeria
In the house of my late Iyalorisa Obimonure
In August 2000 making an offering to Egbe
I was introduced to Baba Fabunmi’s nephew
a tall lord
White Agbada , skinny
He blessed my daughter Sade during this offering
two years later
One of the saddest days of my life
I found him again
It was the funeral of my beloved Babalawo Fabunmi
That Babalawo, your nephew
Conducted the funeral rites
It was very comforting to see all your competence, security after all the Sowunmi family is very traditional in the Ifa Cult in Abeokuta
In a few days
I learned that he would be the successor of my beloved Babalawo Fabunmi
It’s been 20 years
years of joys
Of pleasure
of respect
of gratitude
I do not know how to do
I don’t know how not to see you anymore
yes I’m selfish
I just wanted one more season together
the temple is so beautiful
I dreamed so many times of your smile and the satisfaction of seeing the changes
This time there was no negotiation with death
She didn’t accept to come another day
The Lord saved me
saved my children
My grandchildren
And I appreciate it until my last breath my beloved Baba
I knew when that happened
I would be like this
No ground to continue
Baba Oluwo
As I told you everyday
that I saw you
Until the reunion
I love you my dad

According to Omo Lamurudo TV , the burial of the departed Babalawo was carried out with all traditional rites observed in Abeokuta.

The remains of Oloye ( Babalawo) Alamu Awodiran Sowunmi was buried In Abeokuta . The ceremony counted with the presence of Yoruba traditionalists , families , friends and well wishers