Afro Brazil Forum , Lapa Stands Out , Pioneer Law Against Racial Discrimination

As Brazil permits zero tolerance against racial discrimination , the City Of Lapa ( Subprefeitura) takes the lead and becomes a pioneer in applying laws against racial discrimination in the city .
In this year’s Afro Forum in Saopaulo , an event organized to tackle racial discrimination in the society, notable personalities , such as the Brazilian actress and communicator , Adriana Lessa , Brazilian historiador , Adriana Lopes .

The City ( Subprefeitura) has applied Law nº 14.17/2010, amended by Law nº 16.762/2018, to tackle and reprimand all attempts of racism in the city
Lapa city , under the Article 2A of the law will henceforth promote the posting of signs against discrimination in the premises and locals of the city
According to the Deputy Mayor , Col. Marcus Vinícius Valério , he explained that the purpose of the action is to collaborate with the advancement of public policies to promote racial equality, in the city of Sãopaulo

The project , in compliance with the law , was developed by Culture Supervisor , Adriana Lopes together with the Coordination of Policies for the Black and Indigenous Population of the Secretariat of Justice and Citizenship of the State of São Paulo.