Pelé’s family celebrated Christmas at the Albert Einstein hospital in São Paulo. Daughter Kely Nascimento posted a photo at dawn today with the family together, but citing the absence of Pelé in the image: “Almost all”. Pelé is anesthetized as part of the palliative treatment.
“Almost all. Merry Christmas. Gratitude, love, union, family. The essence of Christmas. We thank you all for all the love and light you send. In this crazy and amazing life, I would be nothing without them”, wrote Kely in the caption of the photo posted on Instagram. The image was shared by Flávia Arantes do Nascimento, Kely’s sister.

The movement in the King’s room intensified on Christmas Eve: the family , children and grandchildren were arriving throughout the day, each from a different corner of Brazil to spend Christmas with him.
Pele’s son Edinho, who is the coach of Londrina FC , was the most awaited by people who were waiting for any sign of news outside the hospital . “ The health status of Pele improves daily “ Says Kelly Nascimento.

Edinho had left Paraná on Friday (23rd) to join his family at the hospital , he arrived at the scene in the early afternoon of yesterday 24th “ My dad is fine , we hope he’ll be discharged to go home soon “ Says Edinho
The kings daughters , Kely and Flávia were already at Einstein to celebrate Christmas with Pele before Edinho joined them “ Our Christmas is Pele “ Says Edinho
According to news report , Pelé is anesthetized as part of the palliative treatment. In the last bulletin released by the hospital, there is a progress in the treatment of the colon cancer . “ Pele has been treating Colon cancer since last year “ Kely said while wishing all a Merry Christmas.
Pelé’s daughter , Kely Nascimento had earlier published a photo in her father’s arms, in “one more night together”, as she said in the caption.
Pelé was hospitalized on November 29 for reassessment of chemotherapy treatment. He has since demonstrated improvement in his clinical assessment.

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