Minister Appraise Orisá Sango In Brazil Over New Appointment
The newly appointed Racial and Equality Minster in Brazil , Anielle Franco , appraised Orisa Sango , the Yoruba Deity of Justice at her opening speech during the swearing in ceremony held on the 11th ,January , 2022 , Brasilia , Brazil .

“ I am happy that Sango , the Orisa of my Ancestors did it again . The gods of our forefathers will guide me through this journey . I dedicate this new position to Sango Olukoso “ Says Anielle Franco , Racial and Equality Minister/Brazil
Anielle Franco is the Minister of Racial Equality in the new government of Lula da Silva
Anielle Franco is the Minister of Racial Equality in the new government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Anielle became an important voice in the fight for the rights of blacks and women, especially after she took over as director of the Institute Marielle Franco, created shortly after the murder of her councilor sister in 2018. Marielle was murdered along with her driver Anderson Gomes, in a political crime that remains unresolved to this day
When she accepted the invitation to join the new government’s transition team, Anielle credited those who paved the way , she thanked her Orisas , the Iyalorisas and Bàbálórìsà , she insists all will be done to maintain the rights and heritage of Afro-Brazilians in Brazil
“It is important to emphasize that I do not join the transition team alone, I arrive with Marielle’s legacy and with the trajectory of black women. This shows that we are much bigger than any hate speech, misinformation and violence. It is also important that we, women and black people, reach all decision-making spaces in a transversal way. We are qualified to be in all ministries and secretariats. Let’s build the Brazil of the future, of hope for all.”- Says Anielle Franco

“These powerful people here are working to listen to Brazil and helping in the transition. These are smart women! Arise respect for Brazilian women!” Maria do Rosário, Professor and Federal Deputy – Secretary of Political Formation of the PT/Brazil. She was Minister of Human Rights of Brazil.
Born in 1985 in Complexo da Maré, Anielle started playing volleyball at just eight years old and ended up becoming a professional player, playing for teams like Vasco and Flamengo. For her performance, she won a scholarship to study in the United States, when she was just 16 years old.
With the sports scholarships, Anielle studied at several American schools, such as Navarro College, Louisiana Tech University, North Carolina Central University and Florida A&M University.
“Anielle was influenced from the beginning to think in an anti-racist way and to understand herself more as a black woman. There, she learned about the work of black thinkers such as Angela Davis, Martin Luther King and Malcom X,” . She graduated in Journalism from the State University of North Carolina, in the USA, and in English and Literature from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). She also completed a master’s degree in ethnic-racial relations at the Federal Center for Technological Education Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET/RJ).

In 2016, Anielle worked in Rio as an English teacher and began to help her older sister, Marielle Franco, who had just been elected councilor for the PSOL/RJ, in the preparation of political speeches. “Marielle’s murder two years later turned Anielle’s life upside down,” Ancestral News reports
In the same year as the crime, she created the Marielle Franco Institute to continue the political, anti-racist, feminist, pro-LGBTQIA+ and pro-human rights struggle that inspired her sister’s work.
As a leader of the institute, she worked on important initiatives, such as the launch of the Plataforma Antiracista nas Elecções, in July 2020, to support black candidacies in municipal elections.
She also coordinated a survey to map racial and gender political violence in Brazil with the aim of drawing a picture of the political rights of black women in the country, details Ancestrals
It will not be an isolated ministry, we are going to work with all the ministries to recover the setback that has been done in recent years,” said Franco.
“ Excellent news for all those who defend a representative and democratic country. Anielle Franco and Silvio Almeida are new government ministers, Anielle Franco will assume Min. of racial equality and Silvio Lual as Min. of Human Rights “ Says Lula da Silva , the President of Brazil
“ I am happy that Sango , the Orisa of my Ancestors did it again . The gods of our forefathers will guide me through this journey . I dedicate this new position to Sango Olukoso “ Says Anielle Franco , Racial and Equality Minister/Brazil!,” tweeted Macae Evaristo.
According to provisional measure MP 1,154/2023, edited on Sunday 1st, by President Lula, the Ministry of Racial Equality is responsible for managing, creating and promoting affirmative action policies and combating and overcoming racism; policies for quilombolas, traditional peoples and communities; policies for the protection and strengthening of people from traditional communities of African origin and terreiro people, in addition to other actions to combat racism.
Ancestrals gathered that as part of her agenda, the Minister of Racial Equality, Anielle Franco wants to create a bank with CVs of black people to occupy positions in the ministries of the new government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT). The idea arose after the Minister of Planning and Management, Simone Tebet (MDB-MS), cited the challenges of bringing black women to the top ministerial positions in Brazil
“We are part of a historic ministerial composition and, for our work to be great and generate a positive impact on our people, we need a network of people who are present.” Says Anielle Franco
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