Oduduwa Templo dos Orixas , the largest Orisa Temple in Brazil , this Saturday , 28th January , 2023 , received Ifa-Orisa devotees in thousands , they gathered to celebrate World Ifa Festival (Odun-Ifa) in Mongaguá , the waterside of Saopaulo , Brazil

Ritualistic and spiritually energetic , the founder and spiritual leader of the temple , Babalorisa (Prof) Sikiru Adesina Salami , delivered amazing lecture , he advised multitudes on the importance of Omoluabi , Iwapele , Bábà king insists Orisa devotees must be examples in the society , they should be spiritual and realistic in their daily activities “ Always do the right thing, never expect miracles when it is only to do your civic right as a citizen. Orisas do not pay bills , work and serve Olodumare , that’s the dictates of Ifa “ – Bábà king emphasized

Realized in the interior of Orisa Temple in Mongaguá , Saopaulo , this year’s Ifa festival counted with thousands of Devotees from every part of the planet , it counted with Ifa Orisa devotees from Slovenia , Germany , Nígeria , Portugal , Spain , Croatia and other part of the planet .

The festival did not only represent Ifa Orisa spirituality but the theatric performance of exceptional drummers and Orisa singers from Abeokuta dazzled multitudes , the dances represented the very first of its kind in the history of Ifa festival in Brazil .

The Oduduwa famíly drummers from Abeokuta and the Ayans from Brazil displayed pior understanding of Yoruba folklores , they played and danced in the exact Yoruba traditional dances . The Iyami’s from Oduduwa Temple , Abeokuta dictated the rhythms , they took to the streets of the temple in multitudes to display the beauty of Yoruba traditional dances .

The Oduduwa Templo dos Orixás is a temple of Yoruba religion (Esin Orisá Ibilê) and Ifá cult located in Mongaguá , Saopaulo, Brazil