One of the most vibrant carnival events in the world , Saopaulo carnival is the second largest in Brazil, coming just behind the rival celebration in Rio de Janeiro, a carnival considered the biggest in the world
Sao Paulo is Brazil’s biggest city and the carnival reflects its size, taking the title as the most diverse carnival. Carnival celebrations begin on Friday and continue until Tuesday. One of the main attractions of the carnival is the Samba. Sao Paulo is known for its unique Samba style known as ‘samba do trabalho’, with a distinct, heavier percussion rhythm.

The carnival in Saopaulo , this year, was opened by seven carnival colleges from the Special Group , they paraded live in Anhembi Sambadrome in São Paulo.
The Independente Tricolor was the first to enter the avenue with the slogan “Samba on foot, spear in hand, this is an invasion” The samba-enredo (Song) by Pê Santana and Lico Monteiro, alludes to the strategy to win battles, starting with the Greek victory over the Trojans, and the conquest of spaces, a reference to the return of the school to the Special Group in 2023, after three years in the access group.

The parade on the avenue, cars showed the main symbols of mythology, such as the famous Trojan Horse; the Mysteries of the Aegean Sea; and the school’s tallest sculpture, the God of Greek Mythology Ares, who represents war. Other gods were shown in the parade, such as Hermes, the messenger; Hades, god of the underworld; Aphrodite, goddess of love; Erebro, god of darkness and the god Dionysus. The couple carrying the flags symbolized Helen and Paris, which gave rise to the Trojan War, a dispute between Greeks and Trojans, around the 12th century BC

The college “Academicos do Tatuapé “ surprised with a white-eyed mermaid in the front committee and evolved showing homage to the city of Paraty, on the coast of Rio de Janeiro. The exuberant nature of the city was portrayed by the school in cars that showed the indigenous people who lived in the region, in addition to the caiçaras and quilombolas. Even the hippie movement, which was concentrated in the city in the 60’s, was symbolized in two wings.
Golden, the Ala das Baianas (wings ) showed that the city was also the path to gold, surrounded by the Atlantic Forest. With the plot Tatuapé sings Paraty from the path of gold to the blue economy.
World heritage, culture and biodiversity. Paraty, the creative city of gastronomy, was performed by Celsinho Mody.
The Barroca Zona vigorously showed the Guaicurus plot, which told the story of this indigenous tribe in the Pantanal. The warrior spirit, a hallmark of the indigenous people, was shown in cars such as the wing opener, which showed a large indigenous man wielding a spear in defense of his people. The front committee told the story of the creation of the original habitants .
Unidos de Vila Maria Unidos de Vila Maria entered the 2023 parade with a samba-plot that made references to old parades, the neighborhood and history itself. “The plot Vila Maria. My Origin. My essence. My story Fonte de Amor “

Far Beyond Carnival took to Pierrots and Colombians Avenue, cars with a tram and even the Church of Candelária, which is in the neighborhood. It paid tribute to celebrities who lived there, such as the Formula One driver Ayrton Senna and the soccer player Dener, who played for the local futsal team.
Even Santa Claus went to the avenue in a giant car, pulled by hyenas. He represented the distribution of gifts in the neighborhood made at Christmas, one of the school’s social actions.

Rosas de Ouro joined the quest for respect and racial equality with the samba-enredo ( Song ) by Kindala titled “ May tomorrow not be just yesterday with a new name, black resistance has been presented through the ages.”
To begin with, the Comissão de Frente , frontline commission showed the slave ship, on which blacks were brought to Brazil to be enslaved. The performance on the moving ship was one of the highlights. The parade was a racial manifesto at the Anhembi Sambadrome and honored black idols such as Glória Maria, Pelé, Pixinguina, Machado de Assis, Aleijadinho and Afro-Brazilian culture. Also honored were singers Gilberto Gil, Lecy Brandão and rapper Emicida, who composed the inspirational song
The carnival college Tom Maior presented a cult to Ancestral Black Mothers, Tom Maior showed in the sambodromo the spiritual motherhood, through creation, teaching, guidance, strength, respect and devotion.
The theme As Iyamis e os Eleyés showed the sorceress mothers, the ward of the baianas and represented the divinity responsible for the creation of the world. Inspirational maternal figures were also featured, such as the queens of the Congo etc
To close the parade, the car Adurá à Santas Católicas paid homage to the black mothers of Catholicism, with a section of children. Gaviões da Fiel At dawn, Gaviões da Fiel closed the first day of parades, with the samba-plot In the “ Name of the Father, of the Children, of the Spirits and of the Saints…” The school spoke about religious intolerance and respect for religions.

Gaviões , the closing parade entered in white on the avenue with the car open wings In the name of the Father. Depictions of white angels stood out with the theme of freedom. The car , a spirit car , carried a representation of Chico Xavier, surrounded by candles. São Jorge, patron saint of Corinthians, which originated the samba school, was honored by drumming queen Sabrina Sato, who entered dressed as the holy warrior. Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Hindu representations were also symbolized in the school’s parade.