IFÁ divination is a practice deeply ingrained in Yoruba culture and spirituality. It serves as a means of connecting with the Òrìşàs and obtaining guidance through the interpretation of verses and symbols
In Îrosùn Òsá , IFÁ emphasizes the importance of family harmony, the support of earthly and spiritual associations (EGBE), and the necessity of sacrifices to Ori, Egbe, and Egungun.

IFÁ cautions its followers about the influence of evil vibrations on their destinies. The tradition urges devotees to prioritize the well-being of their ORI, the divine essence within each person. By nurturing and safeguarding their ORI, individuals can protect themselves from negative forces that might hinder their spiritual and earthly progress.
IFÂ places great importance on family and the support it provides in one’s spiritual journey. It stresses the need for devotees to cherish their immediate family members and view them as part of their primary EGBE, both earthly and spiritual. By embracing family and cultivating harmonious relationships, individuals can establish a solid foundation for their divine associations and receive the support necessary for their spiritual growth.

IFÁ says , those who are ill and maintain absolute belief in Olodumare, the supreme deity, can attract blessings of various forms. The year is proclaimed as a time of victory, promising prosperity, success, wealth, and the blessings of a loving family. To ensure the manifestation of these blessings, IFA encourages devotees to offer the necessary sacrifices to Ori, Egbe, and Egungun.
IFA stresses the importance of character and how it impacts one’s relationships and interactions with others. Devotees are advised to avoid rudeness and instead treat others with care and divine love, particularly within their family and EGBE. By living in accordance with the guidance of Olodumare, as conveyed through Orunmila bara Agbonniregun, individuals can shape their character and lead a virtuous life.

A divinely inspired verse highlights the significance of choosing destiny and character in one’s life. Orunmila, a prominent figure in the IFA tradition, is portrayed as having selected his destiny in the ancient city of Ido. He advises that destiny and character should not be chosen simultaneously but in separate years. The verse emphasizes the need for patience and deliberation in shaping one’s character and making important life choices.
The Market of Life symbolized by Ejigboromekun, IFA advises devotees not to rush their decisions and to wait until the following year to select their character after choosing their destiny. The teachings caution against impulsive choices and emphasize the need for careful consideration in both spiritual and earthly matters.
IFÁ describes the elements necessary for a fulfilling life, encompassing riches, good health, prosperity, children, peace, longevity, and successful relationships. The teachings stress the need to prioritize destiny before character and emphasize the interconnectedness of these aspects. Choosing a good destiny is considered the foundation for later selecting and shaping one’s character .

IFA speaks of taking care of destiny (ORI) because of evil vibration. IFA warns against family disharmony and grudges. IFA warns all devotees to embrace family as the foundation of divine association and support. IFA says, our primary ”EGBE”, that is, Earthly association are our members of my immediately family and also spiritual brothers and sisters. In the world hence for your heavenly clone or spiritual association to support and guarantee our steps, offer necessary sacrifice to Ori, Egbe and Egungun. IFA speaks of the year of victory for those who are ill and those who have absolute belief in Olodumare would attract blessings of husband, wive, children, prosperity, success and wealth. IFA says, this is the year of taking care of ORI, Egbe, and Egungun to attract victory in all segment of life .
IFA says, always take good care of your character. IFA says, avoid being rude to others, treat others with care and divine love, most especially your family, your EGBE (your earthly and spiritual family) and avoid grudges. Live a life as directed by Olodumare through Orunmila bara Agbonniregun.
according to IFA verse
ifa jebo naa o fin
ifa let the sacrifice be accepted
Ela jebo naa o rode orun gbure gbure
Ela let my ritual goes up to the heaven above
Ekuro Orita meta ni o senu sonso -soloko
the palm nuts of the three cross road look disdainful unto the farmer
A difa fun Orunmila
thus divine ifa oracle for Orunmila
Nijo ti nlo ree yanri lode ido
On the day, he was going to choose destiny in the ancient city of Ido
Yoo si yan iwa loja ejigbomekun
and he would choose his character in Ejigboromekun ( Ejigboromekun the mysterious market of life)
won ni ki baba o rubo –
he was advised to offer sacrifice
Ngba Orunmila de ode ido
when Orunmila got to the city of ido
O yaanri tie
He chose his destiny
Nijo a ba si yanri lode ido
on choosing his destiny at the city of Ido
aa gbodo naja nijo ohun
one must not go to the market
baba ba yanri lodun yii
if one chooses Destiny this year
a dee miin ka too lo oja Ejigboromkun
it is the next year that one would go on to the market of Life
Ka to loo ra iwa
He would go there to choose his character
Nijo a ba si naja
and on the day one goes to the market
A a gbodo yanri lojo ohun
one must not choose destiny on the same day
Deede igba ti won o si yanri tan ni
about the time the choosing of destiny, would close for the day, the market would also close
inaja naa o pari
the market would close
Sugbon awon omo eda o gboran
but beings are not attentive and focus
Orunnila yanri e tan
Orunmila chose his destiny
o tun yan fun omo eda
and also chose for the man in the world
o wa ni e moo ni suuru
he told men of the world to be patient
Nijo tee ba yanri
on the day you choose your ori
e moo naja
do not go to the market
Eekan kuku leeyan o yanri e
since it is the only once that one chooses his ori in life
Bo ba si di eemiin
in the following year or next season
E moo bo wa si Oja Ejigboromokun
you can come back to Ejigboromekun market
Kee si yan iwa
you can then choose your character, orunmila said
Ohun gbogbo taa fi se ile aye
Everything necessary for good life
bi owo — riches
aye rere — good life
omo —– children
alafia — peace
emi gigun — longevity
aya rere — good wife
oko rere —– good husband
alafiia ti je bale oro — peace of mind the foundation of wealth
ile — houses and good construction
ile ise — Factory and investment
igbega — success
at bee bee loo — other things
ni i pe niwa — sum up to form a good life and character
Beeyan ba loun o se mejeeji po — If one decides to choose the two together at the same time
yoo pofo meejeji po — one would end up losing the two
ori laa kokoo yan —– one has to choose good destiny first
ka to loo yan iwa —– and would later return to choose his character
aye ye orunmila ——- -Orunmila was blessed with all good things of life
aye si ye omo eeyan —- life also pleases the discipline and faithful devotee
orunmila wa njo o wa nyo —- Orunmila was dancing and praising
ni gbogbo ire wa ba lese obaorisa — all the blessing meet him at the feet of the divinities
ati odun ati emiiiin — this year and the followings one
ki gbogbo ire o ja tawo pata pata lode isalaye — let all good things become the lot of all initiates and the faithful
So shall it be
IFA says, those who are faithful shall reap the blessings of this IFA linear year .
IFA says, never neglect or forget your benefactor. IFA says, those who are faithful shall be blessed with something unforgettable.
ifa speaks of year of peace, money, wealth, success, victory, sound health and longevity, prosperity. a sudden change at home, business and emotional life of the faithful. Ifa says, beware of those who will try to exploit and disturb the manifestation of positivities in your life. pray against and offer sacrifice against the spirit of defeat, dishonest and greed”

IFÁ divination is a practice deeply ingrained in Yoruba spirituality. It serves as a means of connecting with the Orisas and obtaining guidance through the interpretation of verses and symbols.
It is a combination of two primary Odu: Irosun (Odu of transformation) and Osa (Odu of spirituality and secrets). The fusion of these two Odus brings forth a unique set of teachings and insights.
Ìrosùn Òsá consists of a sequence of verses, each conveying a distinct message or lesson. The verses are in a poetic and metaphorical manner, requiring careful interpretation to unveil their true meaning. The Odu employs metaphors, allegories, and mythical references to convey its teachings. The symbols used often hold multiple layers of meaning, inviting deeper reflection and analysis.
The language and linguistic style used in Irosun Osa are significant. The use of proverbs, poetic language, and Yoruba idiomatic expressions enriches the text, making it both lyrical and evocative. Analyzing the linguistic elements provides valuable insights into the cultural context and the intended message of the Odu.
Ìrosùn Òsá holds immense significance as a source of spiritual guidance within the Ifa tradition. It offers insights into personal transformation, spiritual growth, and the resolution of challenges. By consulting Irosun Osa, individuals can seek advice on matters of the heart, relationships, career, and general well-being. Ifa emphasizes the importance of rituals and sacrifices as a means of appeasing the Orisas and aligning oneself with divine forces. Irosun Osa may prescribe specific rituals or sacrifices to resolve specific issues or to bring about desired outcomes. Understanding the prescribed rituals and sacrifices within Irosun Osa helps practitioners navigate their spiritual journey effectively.
Àbórú Àbóyé Àbósisę !