On the evening of July 1, 2024, the temple at Rua Barão de Tatuí, 94, Santa Cecília, São Paulo, was abuzz with excitement and anticipation. The members of the ÀG D G A DU, Alquimistas da Luz No 269, affiliated with the Grande Oriente Paulista (GOP), gathered for the Grand Installation and Investiture Session of Brother Sergio Bertelli Rodrigues as the Worshipful Master for the 2024/2025 term. The event was a remarkable success, marked by a significant turnout and a ceremonious atmosphere that highlighted the fraternity’s enduring spirit.

Attendees and Honored Guests
The ceremony was graced by the presence of numerous distinguished members of the Alquimistas da Luz No 269 and the broader Masonic community. Notable attendees included:
- Br. ‘. Adegboyega Najeem Hammed, the Immediate Past Master.
- Br. ‘. Carlos Alberto Paluan, a Past Master and Grande Inspector General, as well as the Minister of The Masonic Superior Court of Justice of the GOP, 33rd Degree.
- Br. ‘. Helion dos Santos, a Past Master and Temple Guard.
- Br. ‘. Jose Roberto Trentino, a Past Master and Grande Inspector General, 33rd Degree.
- Br. ‘. Manoel do Monte Neto, a Past Master and Senior Warden.
- Br. ‘. Marivaldo Machado Ribeiro, a Master Mason and Junior Warden.

The presence of these esteemed members underscored the significance of the occasion and lent a sense of gravitas to the proceedings.

Installation Committee
The Installation Committee, comprised of dedicated and experienced Masons, played a pivotal role in ensuring the event’s success. The committee members included:
- Br. ‘. Sergio Luiz Barbosa Borges, Regional Delegate 68th Capital 12.
- Br. ‘. João Antonio Siqueira, President of the Installation.
- Br. ‘. Dalton Taguchi, Senior Warden.
- Br. ‘. Ricardo Peter Monteiro Quadt Junior, Junior Warden.
- Br. ‘. Ricardo Simões, Orator.
- Br. ‘. Valter Luiz de Oliveira Luna, Secretary.
- Br. ‘. Osvaldo Pedrosa Pereira Junior, Master of Ceremony.
- Br. ‘. Lacy Alberto Stein Lima, Temple Guard.
Their meticulous planning and execution were evident in the smooth flow of the ceremony and the attention to detail that characterized the event.

The Ceremony
The installation ceremony commenced promptly at 8:00 PM, with the temple beautifully adorned to reflect the solemnity and grandeur of the occasion. Brother Sergio Bertelli Rodrigues was formally installed as the Worshipful Master in a ritual that combined tradition, symbolism, and heartfelt expressions of fraternity. The ceremony was conducted with the utmost respect for Masonic traditions, ensuring that every element of the investiture resonated with the assembled brethren.

Highlights of the Evening
- Opening Address: The evening began with an opening address by the Venerable Master, Br. ‘. Adegboyega Najeem Hammed, who expressed his gratitude for the support and dedication of the lodge members. His words set a tone of unity and collective purpose.
- Installation Ritual: The installation ritual was performed with precision and reverence, as Brother Sergio Bertelli Rodrigues was vested with the responsibilities of the Worshipful Master. The symbolism of the ritual emphasized the continuity of leadership and the enduring values of the fraternity.
- Speeches and Acknowledgments: Following the installation, speeches were delivered by prominent members, including Past Masters and members of the Installation Committee. Their words highlighted the achievements of the lodge and the expectations for the new term.
- Closing Ceremony: The evening concluded with a closing ceremony that reinforced the bonds of brotherhood and commitment to the principles of Freemasonry.

The Grand Installation and Investiture Session of Brother Sergio Bertelli Rodrigues was not only a ceremonial success but also a representation to the strength and unity of the Alquimistas da Luz No 269. The high turnout and the presence of distinguished members reflected the lodge’s vibrant community spirit. As the new Worshipful Master, Brother Sergio Bertelli Rodrigues now carries the mantle of leadership, with the support and confidence of his brethren. This event marks the beginning of a promising term, filled with opportunities for growth, fellowship, and the continued pursuit of Masonic ideals.