Macumba in Brazil , Ologbohun is a spiritual force in the Yoruba traditional religion . it is the picker of tongues , the sound and voice picker . Olugbohun is a powerful spirit that captures every word that is said , and makes it happen, if not immediately , very soon. (Even when said without intentions . If you mistakenly curse your kids out of annoyance or frustration , Ologbohun picks it , and makes it happen ) However , the spirit is not a genie who will physically drop things in front of you, like food, wine, and a flying carpet. But , it will create a situation that will cause your request to be met.

The Olugbohun is a spiritual command that is not kept in the house, sometimes far away in the bush and can only be consulted from time to time.

The Olugbohun Is so powerful , and are used in most African religion . if the owner is a bad person., the owner can intentionally use Olugbohun to determine instant curses , it could be used to turn a stance for negative reasons that can harm the next person . Olugbohun is particularly common in the practices of the Yoruba traditional religion

In the Yoruba religion , Ologbohun is prepared in an Amplified horn , it is a powerful spiritual tool in african spirituality. It has been in use by our ancestors, from ancient time to bring whatever they say to manifest either immediately or in the future. This could be for prayers, blessings, commanding, enforcing, or for black magic (cursing) . It is the voice picker .

The Olughohun is a Yoruba word , it is powerful , it helps individuals to create the situation or event desired through mere spoken words. Olugbohun have the power to pick words from both long and short distance and bring the spoken words into existence, either positive or negative. It can be kept safe in your house and there are some that have to be kept outside of the house, such as in your garage, trunk of a tree etc, this is to avoid Ase/Power , the Amplified Horn (Olugbohun) from picking negative pronoucement by people in their house from manifestation. The Olugbohun picks the voice .

It is obvious that Olugbohun takes its spiritual proceedings through the right traditionalists ; the Bàbáláwos , Bàbálórìsàs , Oloogun , Macumbeiros , etc to be correctly prepared. However, there are simple formulas to improve ones ASE , so that whatever we speak from the interior of our minds are supported with the forces of nature and they can come to pass.
Examples are the eating of Obi olojumerin – * 4 pieces kola nut, or kola nut that can be divided into 4 parts take a bite, * orogbo – bitter kola, take a bite, * efun – lime chalk, take a bite, * chew with a sip of dry gin every morning. If practiced , it is believed to develop one’s ASE. The ATAARE , the Guiné Pepe also firms ASE when eating daily , or before talking from the inner mind .
ASE combines with purity in all instances . An example is a man who clings to the truth all his life, avoids using obscene words, does not swear, and speaks only when necessary is bound to have ASE in his language. His speech is said to be ordained by God. The ODU-IFA OSATURA talks about the truth. The regular chanting of the verse along with a certain ritual strengthens ones ASE.
Much feared in the Latin America , scary in Brazil , the Brazilian society has attached a fabricated Language of African Origin , Macumba , as negativities and commands in the practice of the Yoruba traditional religion . Macumba , in the actual sense , is a percussion instrument of African origin , a word extracted from the Kimbundus , but through a process of expansion, became a reference in ritual activities in Brazil
Today , in Brazil , Macumba is referenced as charms, same as Yoruba Ologbohun . Brazilians believe that Macumba is the fastest answer , it is the quick response to all that seems difficult . In the real sense of it , the Yoruba traditional religion , the mother of all African traditional religions in Brazil , has since been attached with the word Macumba , the word describes spiritual attacks or commands over living and non living things . It is believed in Brazil that Macumba ( Charms or Olugbohun ) is one of the major functions of the Candomble religion , many run to macumbeIros , traditionalists for quick results .
In Brazil , devotees of African religions are classified as Macumbeiros , meaning the ones who commands the spirits , who takes Ebos to the gods. Brazilians hardly attach positivities to the functions of macumbas , a lot believe that impossible things are made possible with the intervention of Macumba , they believe that macumba can join broken homes , macumba can give prosperity, macumba can change destiny .
Today , Brazilians are mostly seen in the churches as routines but when issues gets tougher they run after macumba , they consult Macumbeiros , the macumba represents ‘ so shall it be ‘ . Brazilians frequents the church at large , but when issues gets tougher they run to Bàbálórìsà, Ìyánífá , etc for easy answer to situtuons . Brazilians mostly settle for macumba when issues gets beyond control .
It is said that a number of Brazilian clergymen are patronizers of Olugbohun , they tag the success of their loaded churches to the reasons of the Abramovic faiths , but in the real sense of it , many are linked to the Yoruba traditional religion , they have the voice picker in the hidden . The Brazilian community is diversified in its religious practices , several of the traditional religions in Brazil are linked with the power of making situations to be real , they find such in the Yoruba religion .
The tongue is the decider of what a man proclaims for himself , the Olugbohun picks the tongue , ASE makes it a reality , the spirit accepts it , the nature and the forces around stamps the uttering , it then becomes a reality .