BRAZIL -AFRICA Business Ties : Namíbia , Nígeria , Others Sets The Pace , Takes Africa Higher
The forum , “BRASIL E AFRICA DE MAOS DADAS ” yesterday , 15th. July . 2022 , displayed diplomats , dignitaries at a Business forum held in Saopaulo, Brazil .

The international business forum , which had the presence of the CEO of Walvis Bay Corridor Group , Mr Mbahupu.H . Tjivikua , Ambassador of Namíbia in Brazil , Amb. S.E Mbapeua Muvangua , The President of African Cultural Center , Oba (Ogboni Iwashe) Kabiyesi Adekunle Aderonmu , discussed the diplomatic and business opportunities between Brazil and Africa

The initiative established years back also mapped business strategies and organizational tactics , it discussed the way forward between countries in Africa and Brazil ,it spoke of analytic business relations between the both .

Speaking with Ancestral News in Brazil , Kabiyesi Oba Adekunle Aderonmu said : “ This avenue will further strengthen opportunities between Africa and Brazil in all ramifications . I am glad that Nígeria is well represented in this forum. The Namibia embassy is doing a great job , we hope more personalities can also be part of this program in the future . Let’s make Africa greater “ The Ogboni king said .

According to the organizer , Mrs Silvana Gonçalves de Lima , : “ The event is to improve the business and economic stance between Africa and Brazil , the ‘ Africa-Brazil , hand in hand with Brazil ‘ is the Initiative of Trilhando Caminhos Comunik , in partnership with Acib – Commercial and Industrial Association of Barueri , CIOESTE – Intermunicipal Consortium of the West Metropolitan Region @depmonicaprado, Cris Suonco Event Production, Oba Adekunle Aderonmu , Lilian Schiavo, Filo Pereira, Ricardo Latkani among others “

The business committee , during the event , nominated dignitaries as Ambassadors for the Brazil – Africa ( Brasil Africa, hand in hand ) campaign