In a momentous gathering held in Brasilia, the capital city of Brazil, on March 4th, 2024, the literary world witnessed the coronation of a masterpiece. Oba Ogboni Aderonmu’s spellbinding work, “Identidade Tirada De Nos” (Our Stolen Identity), crafted in the eloquence of Portuguese, emerged triumphant as the pinnacle of literary achievement. Bestowed with recognition by the Federal Government of Brazil, this bestseller has soared to unprecedented heights, captivating minds and sparking fervent discussions on the rich tapestry of Afro-Brazilian cultural heritage.

Authored by the illustrious Oba Adekunle Aderonmu, “Identidade Tirada De Nos” transcends the boundaries of conventional success, resonating profoundly with audiences throughout Brazil. Breaking through sales records, this compelling narrative stands as a beacon, amplifying the significance of self-esteem within the Afro-Brazilian community and casting illumination upon the intricate nuances of identity within contemporary society.

Represented with eloquence by Lawyer Andrea Marques in Brazil, this seminal work transcends the confines of mere literature; it embodies a manifesto, articulating the very essence of the Black race and vehemently advocating for cultural pride and recognition. Amidst a sea of remarkable bestsellers penned by Aderonmu, “Identidade Tirada De Nos” distinguishes itself, encapsulating the trials, triumphs, and unwavering resilience of Afro-Brazilians in a poignant narrative that grips the soul and enlightens the intellect.

In an interview with Oba (Ogboni) Adekunle Aderonmu, the esteemed worldwide Lord of the Ogboni Iwashe Fraternity, expressed profound elation at the recognition bestowed upon his work. “I am delighted to witness the ascent of ‘Identidade Tirada De Nos’ as a paramount literary masterpiece concerning Afro and Afro-Brazilian heritage in Brazil. This book serves as a clarion call to all Afro descendants, reminding us that our race is our pride and should be held in the highest esteem. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Federal Government of Brazil for this esteemed recognition,” Aderonmu remarked.

As the curtains rise on the 4th National Conference on Culture, the spotlight shines brightly upon Oba Aderonmu’s magnum opus, heralding a new era of cultural introspection and appreciation. With its profound insights and unwavering commitment to social justice, “Identidade Tirada De Nos” not only ascends to the zenith of the literary category but also ignites a broader discourse on the imperative of embracing diversity and venerating cultural heritage within Brazil and beyond.