Nigérian Babá King Lectures In Brazil , Exalts Yeye Osun , Rejects Discrimination
In one of the most appealing lecture at the just concluded festival of feminine deities in the Oduduwa templo dos Orixás , Mangagua , Brazil , the High Priest of the largest Orisa Temple , Babalorisa Adesina Salami (Baba king ) gave a very captivating lecture on Orisa and Ifa religion , the Spiritual leader described Orunmila-Ifa as impartial , he said Agbonmiregun transmits the truth irrespective of one’s Initiation Option

According to him , Orunmila does not differentiate color , race , sects , language or whatsoever , Agbonmiregun reveals the truth . It is the truth that matters “ Baba king expressed
“ Orisa devotees with necessary rites can consult the Oracle , the Erindinlogun divination , it involves knowledge and understanding, not just religion “ Baba King speaks , he advised against discriminating Umbanda and other version of Orisa religion in Brazil .

“ Irrespective of one’s Orisa religion , the divination activities can equally be carried out by devotees attached to any of the Yoruba affiliated traditional religion , the devotees of Ifa and Orisa religion , Umbanda , Candomblé and others can consult the Oracle “ Insists Bàbálórìsà king
“ The practice of Orisa religion does not discriminate anybody , it relies simply on the truth , the Oduduwa temple is based on the truth , and not color , race or sexual option “ Baba king said

“ The multitude here today , is a proof that Orisa religion is for all , it saves , it promotes , it blesses , it does not discriminate, it is a just religion “ The Babalorisa appeals
The celebration , held on the 5th of September, 2022 , in the interior of Orisa Temple in Mongaguá , Brazil , gathered devotees from all across the country , it was a pilgrimage dedicated to the feminine Deities .