Brazil Applauds Ashanti , Celebrates Ghana

Ashanti Dance in Brazil

Brazil Applauds Ashanti.

Ashanti , one of Africa’s most powerful empire , was yesterday , April 23rd , dragged to the stages of Anhembi in Saopaulo Brazil , the Ghanaian significant Kingdom was celebrated by Escola Vai-Vai , a foremost samba college in Saopaulo, Brazil

Ashanti Woman Parades In Brazil Carnival

The Carnival celebrated the Ashanti Empire , it applauded the early resistance of the kingdom against the British soldiers .

Ashanti symbol of resistence

The College described the Ashantis with expressive costumes and colors . The empire that resisted the British empire’s invasions in the four Anglo-Ashanti wars , killing British army general Sir Charles MacCarthy and keeping his skull as a gold-rimmed drinking cup in 1824. British forces , was celebrated

Parades depicting Ashanti empire

Dances , costumes and songs celebrated the kingdom . The college exalted the tradition of the Ashantis , it danced , spoke and identified the spirit of resistance with the Ashantis

Resistance pix of Ashantis

The samba college also applauded Ivory Coast and Togo who were also annexes of the Ashanti kingdom in the 17th century.

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